Osteoarthritis is a common joint condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is a type of arthritis that results from the breakdown and loss of cartilage in the joints. This can lead to pain, stiffness, and a decreased range of motion in the affected joint.
Osteoarthritis is most commonly found in the hands, hips, knees, and spine, and it is most commonly seen in older adults. However, it can also affect younger people due to injury or other factors that put stress on the joints.
The exact cause of osteoarthritis is not yet known, but a number of factors are believed to contribute to its development. These include age, obesity, genetics, joint injury, and overuse of certain joints. People who have jobs that involve repetitive motions or heavy manual labor are also at an increased risk for developing osteoarthritis.
The symptoms of osteoarthritis typically develop slowly over time and can include joint pain and stiffness, especially after periods of inactivity. The affected joint may also be tender to the touch and feel warm to the touch. Swelling and a crunching or grinding sensation when moving the joint are also common symptoms.
Diagnosis of osteoarthritis is typically done through a physical exam and medical history, along with imaging tests such as X-rays or MRI scans. Blood tests may also be performed to rule out other types of arthritis.
Treatment of Osteoarthritis using Ayurveda
As per Ayurvedic, an indigenous system of medicine with more than 6000 years of tradition, Vatha is the governing factor in the maintenance of equilibrium of the body. When age advances vatha dosha will be more prominent in the body and may results in gradual degeneration of the body. All types of Osteoarthritis will come under the category of sandhigathavatha as per Ayurvedic treatment in Coimbatore. It is the major cause of chronic debility among old age people, also may affect the quality of life.
In modern medicine, management of Osteoarthritis by giving NSAID (Non steroidal Anti inflammatory Drug), Analgesic etc which will never reverse the pathological condition of the patient and also may cause adverse side effects.
In Ayurvedic management of Osteoarthritis can be divides into 3 steps
1. Initially Anti-inflammatory / Sothahara / Amahara medicines will be given.
2. Followed by Balya / Nourishing Treatment
3. Treatment will be end by the use of Rasayana Drugs (Which will prevent deterioration of synovial joint up to an extent. Ayurvedic treatment for arthritis prevents further deterioration in the joint and rejuvenate damaged cartilages in mild to moderate O A. In severe OA it arrests the progress of further degeneration.
Panchakarma therapies like
Asthapana Basthi
Rakthamokshana therapies will be beneficial in Osteoarthritis depends upon the patients clinical condition.
Based on Patient’s Condition the usage of Lakshadi Guggulu, Yogaraja Guggulu, Mahayogaraja Guggulu, Rasnadi Guggulu, Thrayodasanga Guggulu,
Dashamoola kashayam,
Rasnasapthakam kashayam,
Maharasnadi kashayam,
Punarnavadi kashayam,
Chithrakadi kashayam,
Rasnerandadi kashayam,
Brihathvatha vidhwamsini Rasa like medicines will be beneficial.
For external application also, we had wide range of oils, churna etc based on the clinical conditions of the patient at our Ayurvedic hospital in Coimbatore for arthritis. Along with our medications some life style modifications, diet changes and yogic exercises may give faster results.